26 September 2019 / News

End of September Construction Update

September has been a fast-paced month at the Raxio Data Centre construction site at Namanve Industrial Park. As we approach launch date (January 2020), the Raxio Data Centre facility is making timely progress with roofing next on the agenda.

Construction under the supervision of Future Tech UK (lead consultant and technical partner), ROKO Construction Limited (civil works contractor) and Symbion Uganda began earlier this year. With all hands-on deck, the active team of experts is working 24/7 to have the facility up, running and serving all your business colocation needs in no time.

We would be more than happy to show you around the facility for a true feel and confident assurance of what we have to support your business requirement. Site visits are open to potential and existing clients.

Talk to our experts

Interested to find out more about our services and how Raxio Data Centres can support your business? We are happy to answer your questions. Please complete this contact form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

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