8 Junho 2020 / Notícias

Raxio Data Centre General Manager James Byaruhanga Takes Part In Human Capital International (HCI) Careerfest 2020

Construction of Raxio Data Centre at the Kampala Industrial and Business Park in Namanve is nearing completion. The team is… leaving nothing to chance and this is evident with the site

The team during inspection of Lightening Arresters for Indirect Adiabatic Cooling-System IAC-scaled

The site visits are used to check construction progress in comparison to design specifications and standards to ensure quality work. “Site visits are part of the progress assessment of works to ensure quality of service as well as check works against schedule. The team majorly assesses the works against design intent assessment of fitness for purpose and maintainbility of all installed critical Datacenter infrastructure.” said Jeremiah Kasirye, Raxio Data Centre Site Manager.

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